Diamond Level


Winking Corporation was established in 2003, dedicated ever since to the creation of moving stories and high-quality visuals. With over 18 years of game development and art outsourcing experience, our dedication and professionalism are a guarantee of top quality for our partners' projects.

Currently, Winking Corporation has over 500 employees through Taipei, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Singapore. Our expertise includes art outsourcing and full project development, across PC, Mobile, Switch, Xbox One, PS4, and PS5.

Our partnership with the top companies in the business allows us to perfect our craft to the finest. We continue to deliver the most exceptional work for our partners around the globe, such us Activision Blizzard, EA, Bungie, Ubisoft, SQUARE ENIX, Konami, NCSoft, NEXON. Over the years, Winking Corporation has been part of many great projects, including Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Lineage 2M, Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy XIV, Blade & Soul, Identity V, Onmyoji, and Destiny 2.

Gold Level


About Akatsuki Taiwan Inc.

Akatsuki Taiwan Inc. is a branch of Akatsuki Inc. founded in 2014. Taking "Entertain the world. Resonate with creators." as a mission, we devoted ourselves to developing and operating various mobile games. We recruit members from all over the world. By compiling voices from different cultures, we hope to provide products with great localization qualities to all players.

In 2021, a sub-brand of Akatsuki Inc., Silver Lining Studio, is going to release their first product, a narrative-driven puzzle game named Behind the Frame.
We are ready to show our passion toward game developing and embrace the challenge to introduce their work to the world as a brand from Taiwan.

Google Play

With the ability to publish rapidly to over 2 billion active Android devices, Google Play helps you grow a global audience for your apps and games and earn revenue.


作為運算及連網革命的核心,Arm 技術正改變著人們生活及企業運行的方式。Arm 先進的低功耗處理器已應用於超過 1,300 億顆晶片的智慧運算。全球超過 70% 的人口正在使用 Arm 的技術,安全地驅動包含感測器到智慧型手機以至於超級運算等各式應用的電子產品。Arm 將這些技術與物聯網軟體及裝置管理平台結合,為消費者連網裝置帶來真正的商業價值。Arm 攜手超過 1,000 家技術合作夥伴,將前端的設計、安全、管理,應用到從晶片至雲端等所有需要運算的領域。


網銀國際,為全亞洲最具代表性的遊戲研發公司,總部設立於台中,並於2019年底成立台北分公司。企業秉持3大理念「 Will積極、 Authentic誠信、 New創新」,擁有領先的開發技術,不論是自製/代理遊戲、應用程式開發,都是業界領頭羊。

Microsoft Azure

微軟是全球科技產業的領航者,提供全球領先的軟體、服務、設備和解決方案,自 1975 年成立以來,一直致力於幫助個人和企業用戶,全面發揮科技潛能,實現夢想。
四十多年來,微軟一直專注於技術創新與變革,透過卓越的軟體、設備和服務,能夠幫助用戶提昇生活和工作生產力,讓數億的使用者真正受益於科技。微軟公司總部位於美國華盛頓州 Redmond,在全世界超過 190 個國家和地區設有分公司或是分支機構,擁有超過 125,000 名員工。
微軟執行長 Satya Nadella 在上任後提出了新願景:「在這個行動優先、雲端至上的世界裡,微軟的核心競爭力,就是成為一個提供生產力與平台的公司,幫助在這個地球上的每一個人到每一個組織,都能貢獻更多、成就更大。」
台灣微軟成立於 1989 年,身為政府、學校與企業最值得信賴的夥伴,始終致力於幫助台灣提升創新力、競爭力以及促進經濟繁榮,共同來亮點台灣!

Amazon Web Services

超過12年以來,Amazon Web Services一直是全球應用最廣泛的雲端服務平台。透過遍及美國、澳洲、巴西、加拿大、中國、法國、德國、印度、愛爾蘭、日本、韓國、新加坡和英國等18個地理區域和 1 個本地區域(Local Region)內的 55 個可用區域(Availability Zones),AWS為客戶提供超過125種功能全面的雲端服務,包括運算、儲存、數據庫、網絡、分析、機器學習與人工智慧、物聯網、行動、安全、混合雲、虛擬和擴增實境(VR 和AR)、媒體,以及應用開發、配置和管理。AWS的服務獲得全球超過百萬客戶的信任,包含發展迅速的新創公司、大型企業和政府機構。AWS協助客戶強化自身基礎設施,提高營運上的彈性與應變能力,同時降低成本。

Photon Taiwan/珈特科技股份有限公司

Photon is the world's #1 independent networking engine and multiplayer platform —Fast, reliable, scalable.
Made for anyone: indies, professional studios and AAA productions.
Photon is used by more than 417,636 developers including companies such as Ubisoft, Oculus, Miniclip, Square Enix, BANDAI NAMCO, Disney or Playdemic to create realtime multiplayer games and applications for mobile, PC/Mac, console and VR/AR/MR.


About IBM
IBM is a leading global hybrid cloud and AI, and business services provider. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Nearly 3,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and business services deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's legendary commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service.

Bronze Level




2004年產品於全球最大的G2E首度亮相,2009年尊博為首家進入澳門的台灣廠商,JUMBO遊戲機台是通過全球知名公平性驗證機構如GLI(Gaming Laboratories International,國際博弈研究室)認證,這當中都持續受到各方的肯定,最新的肯定是在2021年三項產品榮獲台灣精品獎。JUMBO秉承一貫誠信、正直、創新的企業文化,透過專業的研發與高品質的製造實力,打造出放眼國際的優質產品。加入JUMBO讓工作不只是一份工作,更是一種價值信念的投入與實現。


About AMD
For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies ― the building blocks for gaming, immersive platforms and the datacenter. Hundreds of millions of consumers, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research facilities around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focused on building great products that push the boundaries of what is possible. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) website, blog, Facebook and Twitter pages.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. PCIe is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corporation. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.


USERJOY was established in 1995, and is now one of Taiwan's top leading game development companies, with excellent R & D and operations team.

Besides, our self-developed games were over one hundred models and content crossing from PC Game, Online Game, Web Game, Mobile Game, and Casual Games. We also have created a variety of globally popular IP such as the "Kingdom Heroes ", "The Twin Heroes", "Fantasia Sango", "Angel Love ", "Beauty Mahjong", and "Let’s Vegas Casino ". The authorized areas of our games were throughout Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Europe the United States, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey and many other countries. Till now, Userjoy owns more than 4.5 million memberships, and players with a breakthrough of 10 million players worldwide.

In the future, Userjoy will continue to focus on innovation and development of games, to bring more joy and fun for the world.

Supporting Partners


五倍紅寶石是台灣知名的 Ruby 程式語言推廣公司,除了積極經營 RubyConf、Rails Girls、Taipei.rb 與默默會等技術社群之外,本身也向企業提供【技術諮詢】、【企業內部培訓】、【教育訓練】等服務。另外也努力開班授課,吸引更多台灣人踏入程式開發的世界。










高雄獨立遊戲開發者聚會(Kaohsiung Indies Meet Up),簡稱KIMU。2012年由高雄市數位內容創意中心協助成立,定期協助高雄市政府經發局舉辦遊戲開發者聚會、Game Jam以及高雄遊戲週等創作研習活動,是一個以高雄為據點推動遊戲創作風氣、促進產業國際交流的非營利性社群組織。


Parsec enables people around the world to work, game, and play together from anywhere. Using proprietary, peer-to-peer streaming technology, Parsec delivers a best-in-class high frame rate, low-latency experience that gives people the feeling of being in the same room.




「indie-guider」為原創獨立遊戲開發者與生態圈加速計畫中建置獨立遊戲團隊登錄與資訊盤點網站平台,由娛樂生活創新加速器創夢市集聯合TGDF台北遊戲開發者論壇、獨立遊戲發行商 Neon Doctrine 、遊戲團隊玻璃心工作室與社群行銷團隊好奇心創意等單位共同組成「indie-guider 籌備團隊」。

「indie-guider 籌備團隊」未來也將持續徵求更多企業或個人,一起為推升獨立遊戲產業生態能量而努力。計畫包含五大任務要點:「建置獨立遊戲團隊登錄與資訊盤點網站平台」、「擴大舉辦全國獨立遊戲發表會」、「舉辦國際發行商」與「原創遊戲IP跨界」媒合會、「系列商務課程與諮詢服務」等,期能有助完善獨立遊戲生態圈與提升開發者國內外市場拓展與商務運營能力。



IGDA 全名為 International Game Developers Association,中譯為國際遊戲開發者協會,為國際著名的遊戲開發者相關非營利組織。目前全世界共有超過 100 個分部,全球會員數超過 10000 人。台灣分部最早成立於 2001 年,2008 年一度關閉,2012 年底再度開始活動。

IGDA 的活動對象為「開發者個人」,其主要活動內容包括分享資訊、建立開發者社群以及主辦 Global Game Jam 等等,旨於促進各地開發者之間的交流。台灣分部目前將以資訊交流以及主辦 Game Jam 為主要活動內容,希望進一步加強國內遊戲開發者交流風氣,以及增加業界、社群、學校之間的互動機會。


Student Game Dream 學生遊戲夢 是一群有信念的學生在 2014 年所創立的遊戲校園社群,最初於學校內免費授課逐漸壯大的學習社群,現在我們有了線上互動社群以及線下活動 學生遊戲黑客松(Student Game Jam , SGJ)以及學生遊戲群英會(Student Game Elite Conference , SGEC),期待這個社群能帶動學生間對遊戲開發技術的追求與分享交流,使這份信念讓獨立開發者成長茁壯。




獨立遊戲開發者分享會 IGDShare

Starting from 2011, IGDShare runs a series of small scale meetups for the independent game developers in Taiwan, encouraging the information exchanging and experience sharing among this community. We try to convey information and notable events, talks and articles about indie games around the world to local developers (and students as well). The ultimate goal is to get more people into the indie game community so there might be more fun games being made.

Media Partners


巴哈姆特成立於1996年,是第一個以電玩為主題的論壇。如今已經邁入第 21 年,是目前台灣最大的ACG社群網站。我們的使命是藉由社群力量,把動漫畫、電玩市場帶到一個更蓬勃、更健全的發展,整合各式媒體,提供最新、最正確的動漫畫與電玩資訊。



1979年5月17日,行政院第1631次院會通過「科學技術發展方案」,決定由政府與民間共同籌設「財團法人資訊工業策進會」。同年7月24日,在資政 李國鼎先生的大力奔走下,創設以「推廣資訊技術有效應用,提升國家整體競爭力;塑造資訊工業發展環境與條件,增強資訊產業競爭力」為宗旨的「財團法人資訊工業策進會」(Institute for Information Industry, III)。




TGDF執行委員會由許多熱情並願意長期投入心力,幫助台灣遊戲產業發展的各方人士組成。因為這些人的奔走與投入,台北遊戲開發者論壇(Taipei Game Developers Forum, TGDF)規模逐年成長,並且也有越來越多海外開發者與公司參加,成為國際級的遊戲產業重要活動。