Jason Wang

AWS 合作夥伴解決方案架構師

Jason Wang 任職於 AWS 合作夥伴解決方案架構師,主要工作為協助台灣 AWS 合作夥伴,提供架構規劃與建議,以建立兼具安全與效能的雲端系統。

Jason Wang 專長為 Java EE 系統規劃與建置、SOA 架構分析、關聯式資料庫技術、與大型企業 IT 架構設計規劃等。加入 AWS 之前,曾任台灣微軟、美商甲骨文公司等公司產品經理、技術經理與資深諮詢顧問等職,服務 IT 產業超過 20 年以上。

Sessions by Jason Wang

Containerized game service on AWS

Day 1 - 10:00 - 10:30
Language: Mandarin/Chinese

“To be or not to be” is not just a question but also the key we use to discover unknown areas especially the IT industry. If you expect to run your game service on container orchestration platform, let’s work backward to achieve this goal by finding answers for below questions. 

  1. Why do we choose running service on containers instead of virtual machines? 
  2. What is the difference between monolithic design and microservice design? 
  3. When should we consider containerized application and how do we manage container services?
  4. How does AWS help us on driving containerized applications?

If you’ve experienced migrating your service from physical machine to virtual machine, or on-premises to cloud, I recommend you to take this session because you are going to gain more ideas about containerized application and how AWS can help you out.