Rachel Cheung

Google Play Apps and Games Business Development, Taiwan

Rachel works closely with app and game developers ranging from Indies to large studios. She helps TW developers launch successfully on Play, optimize their mobile distribution and monetization strategy to leverage the best of Android Platform and grow globally. She also supports overseas developers to gain success in Taiwan market. Prior to this, Rachel was also working with developers on monetization through Google's publisher products including AdMob and AdExchange. 

Rachel earned a bachelor's degree in Global Business and Marketing from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Sessions by Rachel Cheung

Google Play 如何助力遊戲開發者

Day 1 - 13:00 - 13:30
Language: Mandarin/Chinese

本次 TGDF 中,與台灣的用程式及遊戲開發者密切合作的 Google Play 應用程式與遊戲業務發展經理張樂潮(Rachel Cheung),將帶來 Google Play 最新消息,包括 Google Play 為台灣開發者提供的專屬資源、Android 生態系中的最新發展,以及作為生態系中心的 Google Play,它的 Console 如何為您提供更多的協助,並說明政策循規上,Google Play Console 提供的監測功能。同時還會講解 Android App Bundle 建置的優勢,以及即將更新的 Google Play 帳款服務程式庫 4 。

本議程適合對象為所有目前有發布遊戲到 Google Play,或正在考慮中的開發者。