Lester Jackson

Senior Technical Program Manager at Microsoft – PlayFab

Lester is a technical program manager with 18 years of experience shipping client and web software products & services for consumers, enterprise and developers. Lester specializes in distributed systems and service delivery with a deep understanding of (a) API design and management and (b) developer platforms and tools. Lester thrives in high-energy, fast-paced and agile environments leading high performance teams or as a hands-on individual contributor.

Sessions by Lester Jackson

利用 Azure PlayFab Multiplayer Server 打造跨國遊戲體驗

Day 2 - 12:00 - 12:30
Language: English (accompanied with Mandarin/Chinese subtitles.)

針對需要使用雲端布建全球多人遊戲伺服器的開發者,我們在三十分鐘的議程帶您了解如何利用 Azure PlayFab Multiplayer Servers 的服務,藉由案例與架構分析以 Demo 的方式實際演練由 Game Server Developer Kit(GSDK)輕鬆整合您既有遊戲的程式碼,不論是 C++/C#/Java/Unity 或是 Unreal Engine 開發引擎。

不論你是製作 AAA 遊戲還是 Free to play 小型手遊,Microsoft Game Stack 眾多的遊戲服務可以提供你從 Visio Studio/GitHub/DevOps CI/CD 整合 Unity/Unreal 開發,針對情境優化的伺服器與儲存裝置、微服務、網路、資安、資料庫、數據分析、LiveOps、AI、或是商城等。搜尋 Azure Gaming 與 Game Stack 了解 Pearl Abyss、Nexon、Ubisoft、Nintendo、SEGA、Minecraft 如何利用 XBOX 團隊開發出來的工具優化玩家體驗!